We have successfully migrated over from our previous ISO 18001 accreditation, which was recognised only as a British standard.
ISO 45001 is an international standard for health and safety, developed to prevent work-related injury and ill-health as well as provide safe and healthy workplaces.
Our new status means we are now part of a global health and safety management system that crosses geographical, political, economic, commercial and social boundaries.
This world benchmark will not only simplify and assist with all our local, regional and national supply but also our overseas activity as we work to a single standard with the management of our occupational health and safety.
An additional benefit to us will be the enhancement of our environmental, social and governance profile because ISO 45001 supports the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals by also demonstrating a commitment to equality practices.
The health and safety of everyone we come into contact with – our employees, customers, the general public – is essential to Butterfield Signs.
If you have an upcoming signage project and need the reassurance all your health and safety needs can be met in full please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on 01274 722 244 or email us at enquiries@butterfieldsigns.co.uk